The Tao of Turd

That the tao of turd can make the abstract nature of Taoism so comprehensively concrete is one of life’s greater mysteries.

Cracking the Safe

“Cracking the Safe,” Chapter 10 of Chuang Tzu as coined by Thomas Merton, lays bare the paradox of security. What you call theft? Others call good business.

Masala Chai: How to Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

Masala chai is a spicy Indian tea boiled with spices and milk on a stove top to produce the perfect cup. But who has the time to monitor a boiling pot and stir constantly to prevent the milk from clotting? Here’s an easier way to get the same amazing flavor, complete with homemade froth.

The Wind and the Banner

This is the story of two monks who argued about everything, right down to whether the day would turn out good, or bad, and whether the wind moved the banner—or is it the banner moving the wind? An exasperated Zen master got fed up. And chimed in.

The Empty Boat and the Angry Man

The empty boat and the angry man describes a 2000+-year-old allegory found in the Book of Chuang Tzu. How many of us would react the same way if faced with identical circumstances?

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Beat Winter Blues the Scandinavian Way

Seasonal affective disorder can be brutal. Some think a lack of sunlight is behind the winter blues. Yet people in and around the Arctic circle living months on end with no visible sun along the horizon are less depressed than those living through milder winters with more daylight. What’s their secret?

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  • Most Shared Posts

The Tao of Turd

That the tao of turd can make the abstract nature of Taoism so comprehensively concrete is one of life’s greater mysteries.

Cracking the Safe

“Cracking the Safe,” Chapter 10 of Chuang Tzu as coined by Thomas Merton, lays bare the paradox of security. What you call theft? Others call good business.


The Rewire

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Beat Winter Blues the Scandinavian Way

Seasonal affective disorder can be brutal. Some think a lack of sunlight is behind the winter blues. Yet people in and around the Arctic circle living months on end with no visible sun along the horizon are less depressed than those living through milder winters with more daylight. What’s their secret?



Ouija Board Researchers Stunned by Revelation

Who is doing the talking, exactly? Ethereal spirits guiding human hands on the planchette? Or mere mortals unaware of their own movements? Researchers looking to settle the debate had no idea they were about to answer a completely different question.


Tea of the Week

Masala Chai: How to Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

Masala chai is a spicy Indian tea boiled with spices and milk on a stove top to produce the perfect cup. But who has the time to monitor a boiling pot and stir constantly to prevent the milk from clotting? Here’s an easier way to get the same amazing flavor, complete with homemade froth.


Tao du Jour

The Tao of Turd

That the tao of turd can make the abstract nature of Taoism so comprehensively concrete is one of life’s greater mysteries.

Cracking the Safe

“Cracking the Safe,” Chapter 10 of Chuang Tzu as coined by Thomas Merton, lays bare the paradox of security. What you call theft? Others call good business.

The Wind and the Banner

This is the story of two monks who argued about everything, right down to whether the day would turn out good, or bad, and whether the wind moved the banner—or is it the banner moving the wind? An exasperated Zen master got fed up. And chimed in.


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